Have you got a problem in need of a web-based or automated solution?
Tell me about it.
Static / Dynamic Website

Do you need a simple website to collect contact information from potential clients and notify the right people, like this site does for me?

Buisness Operations Dashboard

Do you need secure, remote visibility and control of operational data, integrated from multiple databases and file systems?

Remote Monitoring and Control [ IoT / ROS ]

Do you need secure, remote visibility and control of sensors and actuators in your manufacturing or processing facility?

Mechanical Design

Do you need diligently revision-controlled design of parts and assemblies, to be machined, modled, or additively manufactured (3D printed)?

Coming Soon

Lee Hayford

email: leehayford@gmail.com

phone: 403.561.1603


The two companies listed in my employment history sell products derived from the same technology platform. I managed the development, manufacture, supply chain, and product support for that platform.

[ view products ]

I was personally responsible for the mechanical design, UI / UEx layout (user software), manufacturing procedures and software applications, inside-technical sales, and management information systems development. We were a small crew with big dreams.

Employment History

Insitu Data Solutions Inc. (IDSI)

Development Manager


IDSI took operational control of RTM where I had been working since 2007. While my title changed, I retained many of my original responsibilities.

Real Time Measurements Inc. (RTM)

General Manager


Managed the development, manufacture, support, and continuous improvement of electronic measurement and recording devices and software used in oil and gas service applications.

Software & IoT

[Python, Django, ROS, HTML/CSS/JS, C# .Net, Java]

Created an application called Calbot used by RTM and IDSI:

  • acquires pressure and temperature data samples from digital reference sensors
  • qualifies sample subsets against configurable slope and deviation boundary conditions
  • plots reference and product, sample and qualification data on the Calbot user interface
  • logs reference and product, sample and qualification data to a database
  • correlates reference and product sample data to produce calibration coefficients
  • generates end use coefficient / configuration files and calibration error certificates

Created an application called Circ used by RTM and IDSI:

  • collects automated status reports generated by field devices
  • tracks manufacturing, maintenance, calibration, and QC data by product serial #
  • controls document-flow for RFQs, sales orders, product deliveries, invoices, and product support
  • manages rental asset deployment, returns, maintenance, and billing

Mechanical Design


Designed all of the products currently offered by Real Time Measurements (RTM) and Insitu Data Solutions (IDSI) including:

  • mechanical housing parts and assemblies
  • deployment accessories and shipping packages
  • welding jigs, assembly fixtures, and calibration manifolds used in their manufacture

Manufacturing & Product Support

Practiced configuration, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of:

  • environmental chambers and controllers (Cincinnati Sub-Zero, Cole-Parmer, Watlow, Omron)
  • automated orbital welding machine (Tubemaster)
  • electron beam welder (ACAMP, EBI California)
  • pressure deadweight – manual and automated (DHi, DH Budenburg, Druck, Fluke)
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